Thank You!

Screening, education, and prevention efforts are needed now more than ever.

That's why your support is vital -- as it will help...

  • Put life saving chronic disease screening within reach of tens of thousands in the U.S. and Africa
  • Train, equip, and mobilize vital community caregivers in underserved communities
  • Educate and implement COVID-19 prevention measures to thousands in the most high risk communities
  • Bring healing and hope to adults and kids who struggle to get the healthcare they need

So thank you for your gift today. Together, we'll effect abundant life for more people all over the world!

"Type 2 diabetes is hitting epidemic levels around the world. I applaud The Root Cause for setting out to fight this disease."

--Jimmy J. Kolker, former US Ambassador and Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs, US Department of Health and Human Services

Root Cause is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the amount permitted by law.
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      The Root Cause
      PO Box 601922
      Dallas, Texas 75360